I created the logo for my blog by using Pixlr. I found it quite easy to use once I figured out what the different buttons were and where they were located. Pixlr has navigator, history and layer panes on the right hand side of the open page. There are menus at the top of the page that allowed you to adjust the image and play around with it as you pleased. The tools for changing the colour and changing the brush type you were using were on the left hand side. I picked out the picture from Google which was originally a drawn sketch, just black and white. I changed the hue saturation of the picture creating the colour’s within the face and background of the picture. I then went over some of the black redefining the lines as they weren't fully coloured black. I added the colour of the lips my painting them red with the brush tool. I also added the whites of the eyes, the earing (both the white and coloured part of it) the black mole on her face and added the white dress as well. The text was the last thing I added (by using the text tool) to the picture and I wanted it to stand out along with the rest of the picture so I chose the dark blue as a contrast. I then moved it into place and that is how I ended up with my finished logo.
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